T.I. : Dime Trap

T.I. has never been one to shy away from politics or controversy. So to launch his first studio album in years we wanted to create a bit of a stir and thrust both T.I. and his album Dime Trap into the spotlight.


In addition to creating a video that got the White House to call for the boycott of Tip’s 10th studio album Dime Trap, and creating the art for his album, social media, and out of home, we were also asked to come up with a couple of music videos.

T.I. : Dime Trap Album Art

Tip is not a simple man. And for his 10th album, Dime Trap, we wanted to capture all sides of who he is. Triumph and tragedy, lessons and loss, glamour and gunfire. The bad with the good. Each piece represents a smaller part of the greater whole.

Vinyl Artwork


Single Artwork


And when it was all over T.I. commissioned the internationally recognized artist Kris Kuksi to create an original piece for his personal collection.

Ti_Kuksi_MidRes (1).jpg

A little bit of out of home

